'total hip replecement' what is it? - the replecement hentay
I have one of these, 13 August! A total hip replacement is a surgical procedure where the diseased bone and cartilage is the hip surgically replaced with artificial materials. The hip joint is a normal joint. The base is a cup "shape" of the pelvis as the cup. The ball is the head of the femur) (femur. Total capital includes the hip, surgical removal of the diseased ball and socket, and used their replacement by a metal ball and stem cells in the bone of the femur and tibia with artificial plastic cup. The metal ball and stem is known as an artificial prosthesis. "By inserting the prosthesis into the heart of the thigh, which is fixed with bone cement as methyl methacrylate. Alternatively, a" cement "may prosthesis is used which has microscopic pores that the growth of bone in the thigh in the normal rod to enable the prosthesis. This hop "cemented" feels have a longer duration and is considered especially for younger patients.
I am also a knee Indeed, at the same time and operated on me and on the lower ribs removed to make bone grafts, as I am in a particularly bad!
Titanium hip-hop connection is suspended and a good bone
Hip replacement involves replacing the femoral head and sometimes the insertion of a glass that forms the hinge of the basin. His first in 1960.
http://www.smithnephew.com/US/Images/Get ...
... http://www.gcvs.com/surgery/images/Cemen
http://www.fda.gov/oc/opacom/kids/assets ...
at the hip --
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